The Blair Series

I’m back! To all my loyal readers (Mom), I apologize for such a long blogging hiatus. As many of you know, Blair has been staying with me for the past 2 months. My guess is that she wanted to escape the stress of post-graduate life and drink away all of her problems, but who knows. Seeing that my last post was the week before she came, and I am now posting again the week after she left, I blame her for distracting me from my ever-important duties as a world-class blogger. But I digress.

Needless to say, I have a lot to catch everyone up on, and the majority of it involves the lovely woman in the picture above. So I decided to start a series of posts called “The Blair Series.” Right now I am still in the story-boarding phase, but the series will cover the following events:

Happenings in Latina – The everyday comings and goings of life in Latina, including volleyball matches, cooking, eating and drinking with friends.

Roma – While Blair was here we took several day-trips to Rome, where we did a lot of walking and photographing.

Verona – Blair took a train to come see our match in Verona and then we stuck around for a day to enjoy the city.

Paris – During a 3-day break from volleyball, Blair and I took a weekend trip to Paris (my first time there). I think we took more pictures in 3 days than my parents took of me during my entire childhood.

American Comrades – Blair and I made some new friends as Andy Hein joined our team a couple of weeks ago. He also brought with him his lovely wife Kate and dog, Harry Winston.

Now, we are on day 1 of a 5 day road trip, so I will have a lot of time on my hands to update this wonderful blog of mine. Stay tuned!